Sunday, January 20, 2008

Knowing Why

I read another story of a baby dying in utero. "Cord compression." (what a nice, sanitary way of saying the baby hung herself by her own cord - reminds me of some ancient Greek story). Knowing why doesn't make it any better, it doesn't relieve the suffering (some babies apparently just stop living, with no explanation why). It doesn't change the past.

I wonder how much the why actually matters. If my baby girl died, would I care why? I'm inclined to think it wouldn't matter. No answer, no reason, no explanation would bring her back. She would be gone.

I'm almost afraid to have another child because I don't want that child to die. How silly! I'm afraid for a life that isn't even made yet! You can only do so much to keep them safe. Even if you take all the precautions possible, they could still be taken away. I don't think I could bear it.

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